The Longbow Shop Blog — Tips and Tricks
Our website features
Posted by Jason Powell on

We launched our new website back in December 2016 and have been implementing some new ideas and features over the last couple of months. We thought we would give you an overview of them. Custom ordersYou can now order bows, bow making gear, carbon shafts, leather armguards, quivers and any of our arrow ranges with whatever feather colours, nocks etc that you’d like. Take a look and there will be a custom option available.Out of stock notificationIf you find something is out of stock we can now send you an email alert as soon as it comes back in. Just...
Advice on shooting a new English Longbow
Posted by Front Of House on

A new English Longbow needs to be used with due care and attention Your English Longbow has been made very carefully over a long period of time to draw in an optimum bend and tillered to suit the stated draw length and draw weight. Before using your new bow you need to ‘teach’ it to shoot. This is why we always tell Longbow Archers to never let anyone else draw your bow. It’s been taught to shoot to how you shoot and any variation on this usually has very bad results! To teach your bow, brace it a low brace height and...
horn reinforced self nock arrows
Posted by Front Of House on

Horn reinforced self nock arrows are pretty easy to make yourself. With a couple of simple items great looking horn self nock arrows can be easily made: 3 Hack Saw blades Sanding paper Wire wool Pencil nock strips With a steady hand it's really easy to do yourself. Reinforcing an arrow stops the shaft from splitting on release of the string. This is really important especially if shooting very heavy bows. Here's a little infographic I put together a few years ago to show how easy it is to make these reinforced arrows. Hope you like it! You can buy the required arrow strips for...
Tips on shooting The English Longbow
Posted by Front Of House on

When Jason asked me if I fancied coming up with some hints and tips with a coaching element, I thought “this could be interesting! Would you coach traditional archery any differently from recurve or compound archery? What are the differences? What are the similarities?” In the end I thought I would start with the basics. I have spent a lot of time over the last few years watching competent longbow and traditional archers shooting both target and field. I have also spent quite a lot of time talking to them. One thing I have noticed is that there can be...
How to get a flush fit on a taper arrow point
Posted by Front Of House on

Ever wondered how to get a taper fit arrow point to sit flush with the arrow shaft? It's something so easy yet very few archers know how to do it and we all know there's something not quite right about the shoulder of the point sitting proud on the shaft.Here's the tip. Cut your tapers on the shaft as normal. Get yourself a small butane torch (about £5 on fleabay) and a pair of pliers. Heat the point up while being held in the pliers and force the hot point on to your tapered shaft. The heat makes a slight...