The Longbow Shop Blog — Reviews
Bickerstaffe Coaching and Demo Day 2016
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On 5th March Pip Bickerstaffe paid a visit to The Longbow Shop For those that couldn’t make the latest Bickerstaffe demo day we had a slight change in format concentrating more on the mechanics of shooting with some coaching analysis input alongside shooting tips and historic thoughts on all aspects of that greatest of bows – The English Longbow. Alongside Pip for the day was renowned Warbow archer and expert Simon Stanley who brought some fantastic examples of Yew Longbows including a huge 154lb Warbow. Everyone there was treated to Simon shooting this beast of a bow so take a look...
Robert Hardy a day with The Longbow Shop
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Robert Hardy visited the Longbow Shop on May 2015 which is a date everyone will remember for a very long time to come and a high point for the UK's largest traditional archery shop based in Birkenhead. The Longbow Shop had the privilege of hosting a day with the legendary actor, author and longbow expert Robert Hardy CBE who enthralled over 100 guests, sharing his amazing experiences and knowledge about longbows and the famous battles they were used in while keeping the enthusiastic crowd of people (archers and non-archers alike) spellbound and hanging on every word. Mr Hardy gave insights...
Ravenbeak yew laminate english longbows reviewed
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We are really excited to see that Archers Review have put a piece together on Ravenbeak English Yew Longbows. It's a great review and really sums up the work that Jamie McDonald puts in to every single bow. We are Ravenbeak UK dealers so if there's something you want just send us an email. Here's how Archers Review sums up the bow: "This is a "REAL" English Longbow- it doesn't just look like one, it actually performs in a way that modern longbows never have... Quite simply the fastest, smoothest longbow this enthusiast has ever shot.Quite possibly the best longbow...
Big Brother star James Whale reviews our basic medieval arrows
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TV, radio and Big Brother celebrity archer James Whale takes time out to review our Basic Medieval wood arrows - he really likes them!