The Longbow Shop Blog — Gallery
Bickerstaffe Coaching and Demo Day 2016
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On 5th March Pip Bickerstaffe paid a visit to The Longbow Shop For those that couldn’t make the latest Bickerstaffe demo day we had a slight change in format concentrating more on the mechanics of shooting with some coaching analysis input alongside shooting tips and historic thoughts on all aspects of that greatest of bows – The English Longbow. Alongside Pip for the day was renowned Warbow archer and expert Simon Stanley who brought some fantastic examples of Yew Longbows including a huge 154lb Warbow. Everyone there was treated to Simon shooting this beast of a bow so take a look...
Fairbow Rebel and Vertex American flatbows
Posted by Front Of House on

We are proud to announce our new partnership with Fairbow bows. 2 new bow ranges will be available as stock in the coming weeks with custom options also available. These ranges are: REBEL a high end, top quality vintage Hill style American Flatbow with slim fast limbs and VERTEX a redefined reflex deflex flatbow that when braced shows a true D-shaped profile. Watch the website and social networks for the full stock breakdown.