The Longbow Shop Blog — arrow making
The Longbow Shop in TV and film
Posted by Jason Powell on

Did you know that The Longbow Shop has supplied some fantastic TV and film production companies over the last few years? Our work can be seen in the following (sorry we can’t give you a full list as some of it is hush hush!) BBC – The White queen We supplied some of our medieval style arrows for this popular TV series and they were used throughout. We really like the behind the scenes photo of some of the arrows being used Henry V - Royal Shakespeare Company We supplied english longbows for the Royal Shakespeare Company production of Henry...
horn reinforced self nock arrows
Posted by Front Of House on

Horn reinforced self nock arrows are pretty easy to make yourself. With a couple of simple items great looking horn self nock arrows can be easily made: 3 Hack Saw blades Sanding paper Wire wool Pencil nock strips With a steady hand it's really easy to do yourself. Reinforcing an arrow stops the shaft from splitting on release of the string. This is really important especially if shooting very heavy bows. Here's a little infographic I put together a few years ago to show how easy it is to make these reinforced arrows. Hope you like it! You can buy the required arrow strips for...
How to get a flush fit on a taper arrow point
Posted by Front Of House on

Ever wondered how to get a taper fit arrow point to sit flush with the arrow shaft? It's something so easy yet very few archers know how to do it and we all know there's something not quite right about the shoulder of the point sitting proud on the shaft.Here's the tip. Cut your tapers on the shaft as normal. Get yourself a small butane torch (about £5 on fleabay) and a pair of pliers. Heat the point up while being held in the pliers and force the hot point on to your tapered shaft. The heat makes a slight...