Do I use Left Wing or Right Wing feathers on my arrows?

Posted by Jason Powell on

Do I use Left Wing or Right Wing feathers on my arrows?

Right Wing or Left Wing? OK we are asked this question a lot. Which feathers do I use on my arrows - Right Wing or Left Wing?

The simple answer is use whatever you want as long as they are all the same wing on the arrow. So all Right wing or all left wing… no mixing on the same arrow!

It makes no difference whatsoever in our opinion to the arrows flight and we have experimented a lot over the years. Some myths say that the arrow needs to spin away from the bow - we don’t agree with this school of thought. The arrow isn’t spinning at the point of release and takes a while to clear the bow!

If you mix left and right wing feathers on the same arrow then yes your arrow will not fly properly and will be very erratic in flight. As long as the feathers are from the same wing then there is no difference in arrow flight at all.

If you are using a helical clamp then use the correct feather for the correct clamp so Right Wing for the right wing clamp etc.

Here's a simple way to see what wing you have on your wood arrows.

Left or right wing feathers on my arrows?

We sell lots of feathers in all shapes in sizes - mostly in right wing! 

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